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What will
happen to you?

 A dark comedy about a reluctant accountant who wishes he was someone else, doing something else, being somewhere else, but who, what and where?

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HAPPEN TO YOU? a novel

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 Available in paperback and eBook 

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Just Launched

What Will Happen To You? is funny, complex, intriguing, and a mystery in the same way that the meaning of life is a mystery - assuming, of course, that life has meaning. According to Gary it might not. The novel asks penetrating questions, like 'how do you throw your boomerang away when it's reached the end of its usefulness', or 'what’s the point of a colander when it leaks like a sieve'. Stuff like that. You will follow the life of Robbie Carton, accountant, writer, existentialist, and a drunk, albeit functioning, just. He might also be a romantic, not that he’d admit that.

We track Robbie Carton’s descent from his mind- numbing accounting job to...? Well, something else probably, but before that, he has to escape his life, the tarantula, Paris, an office full of absurdity, the outback, wheelie bins and of course, Bentley, Robbie’s boss and natural enemy according to Robbie. Even if he manages all that, will he ever find  a way to tell Sophie he loves her?

Are you ready? Download the first chapter now and dive into a world of suspense & mystery.


Your Review Counts

I need your inspiring reviews of both books so if you had some fun, had a small laugh, thought about life and your bit in it, then please don’t keep it to yourself. Tell the world. Tell your friends of course, insist they buy their own copy, make them engage with it but also, if you get the time, compose a review for any of the book selling platforms, book stores or book blogs and send it in or post it, whatever the words are these days.

I will very much appreciate it. If you remember, please send a copy of your review to me, or tell me about it in The Writers Lair -  I’d love to read it.

Thank you

Gary N. Lines


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First review in from the internationally renowned American prize-winning literary author, Dunleavy de Boston (One Hot Summer’s Night - a novel)

"I hate Gary N. Lines, he’s too good, a genius - he’s the writer I always wanted to be. This is the best novel I’ve read in years. Laughed my ass off, cried, marvelled.  His prose will manage you - every word is working the narrative, and you, the reader. Watch out, that’s all I can say."

-Dunleavy de Boston Author, Bon Vivant, Wealthy.

[Disclaimer: I know Lines, he’s a friend. I like to think he’s a friend, but he’s a prick

though. He’s a real prick. Still the novel is brilliant. Bastard!]

PS. And there’s no way I nicked his BBQ.

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